郭斌, 张妮, 杨宗佶. 2019: 降雨对6.24新磨村滑坡的影响. 工程地质学报, 27(s1): 157-163. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2019039
    引用本文: 郭斌, 张妮, 杨宗佶. 2019: 降雨对6.24新磨村滑坡的影响. 工程地质学报, 27(s1): 157-163. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2019039
    GUO Bin, ZHANG Ni, YANG Zongji. 2019: THE INFLUENCE OF RAINFALL ON 6.24 XINMO LANDSLIDE. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 27(s1): 157-163. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2019039
    Citation: GUO Bin, ZHANG Ni, YANG Zongji. 2019: THE INFLUENCE OF RAINFALL ON 6.24 XINMO LANDSLIDE. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 27(s1): 157-163. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2019039



    • 摘要: 2017年6月24日清晨,位于汶川震区的新磨村滑坡崩塌失稳,造成约80人伤亡,大量房屋、公路及基础设施被毁,崩塌体积高达约8×106 m3,引起了世界范围的广泛关注。对新磨村滑坡的初步研究认为,历史地震对新磨村滑坡造成了严重的损伤,并在滑坡后缘(山脊处)产生多条裂缝,但由于此滑坡地处很难到达的高陡山区,加上当地仅有的观测设备观测能力有限,未能监测到滑坡一直处于慢速滑动状态,也未能及时采取有效的防御措施,进而发生了灾难性的滑坡。降雨是除地震以外诱发滑坡的主要因素,而且灾害前新磨村长期处于阴雨连绵的天气。因此,本文提取滑坡区附近3个降雨观测站的降雨数据,通过定量分析年降雨量、月降雨量、日降雨量和小时降雨量的特征及规律,进而分析降雨对新磨村滑坡的作用和影响。分析结果发现灾害前长期的阴雨连绵天气是造成新磨村滑坡加速失稳的主要原因,尤其是4月9日突然增大的日降雨量激发了一直处于慢速滑动状态的滑坡,使之滑动加速。针对5月11日和6月14日相对较强的降雨影响,新磨村滑坡表现出了一定的滞后性。因此,临界小时降雨强度和单次的降雨事件都不足以作为评判慢速滑动滑坡最终失稳的标准。长期的低强度降雨对慢速滑坡的累积影响效应不可忽视。


      Abstract: In the early morning of 24 June 2017,a landslide occurred in Xinmo village where located in the Wenchuan earthquake stricken zone raised great concerns in China and worldwide, because the landslide killed more than 80 people, damaged many houses, highways and facilities, and the volume is up to 8×106 m3. The preliminary research indicated that 1)historical earthquake seriously influenced the stability of the Xinmo landslide and generated several cracks near the ridge; 2)the slow-moving landslide cannot been detected in time due to tough geological condition and the limitation of observation equipment; and 3)a catastrophic landslide occurred without any prevention and mitigation measurements. Rainfall is main factor to trigger landslides except earthquake factor in the earthquake stricken zone. Furthermore, the Xinmo landslide was in a rainy weather in a rather long period before its occurrence. In this study, we aim to analyze the influence of rainfall on the Xinmo landslide by analyzing the rainfall characteristics in terms of yearly rainfall, monthly rainfall, daily rainfall and hourly rainfall. The rainfall data is obtained from the three rain-gage stations near the landslide. The results demonstrate that rainy weather in a long period before the landslide occurrence is the main reason to trigger the landslide totally failure. In particular, a rapid increased daily rainfall in April 9 accelerated the moving speed. To some extent, the landslide behaved some hysteresis on a larger daily rainfall in May 11 and June 14. In addition, a critical rainfall per hour and accumulative rainfall may be not adjusted to evaluate the slow-moving landslide. Accumulative effect of prolonged and low-intensity rainfall on slow-moving landslide cannot be neglect.


