

    • 摘要: 碎石土是一种非连续、非均质的结构性材料,由于内部含有大量碎石块,容易形成架空结构,使其内部形成复杂独特的渗流通道即优先流通道,碎石土优先流通道是包括水分运移和土体细颗粒迁移的复杂过程,但在研究其优先流路径时通常只考虑了水分的运移而忽略了细颗粒的迁移,颗粒迁移与通道形成密切相关。为此,对两种不同级配土柱(粗细颗粒连续级配和间断级配)分别进行饱和渗流-颗粒迁移试验,从细颗粒迁移的角度分析通道形成的时空发展规律。试验结果表明:细颗粒迁移一部分由于流失引起碎石土渗透性增大,另一部分由于重新沉积而堵塞局部孔隙,降低渗透性,两者作用结果最终加速优先流通道形成;连续级配的碎石土形成大面积交叉分布的管网状渗流通道,间断级配的碎石土则形成集中渗流通道;相同水力条件下,不同级配细颗粒迁移的空间分布特征不同,连续级配的碎石土细颗粒迁移不随空间位置的差异而发生变化,间断级配的碎石土细颗粒迁移随空间位置的差异而发生变化,两种级配下碎石土细颗粒主要流失量的粒径范围均在1~0.075 mm;不同水力梯度条件下,连续与间断级配试验细颗粒流失量均随水力梯度增加而增大,间断级配的碎石土破坏时水力梯度小于连续级配破坏时水力梯度,间断级配碎石土更容易发生破坏。研究成果为进一步揭示碎石土优先流形成机理提供试验依据。


      Abstract: With the non-continuous and non-homogeneous features, gravel soil is a kind of structural material. Owing to the large number of rocks inside, it tends to form an overhead structure. Thus, the complex and unique seepage channels, i.e., the preferential flow paths come into being. The preferential flow paths of gravel soil are intricate which include moisture transport and migration of soil fine particles. The studies for the preferential flow path are apt to merely consider the moisture transport and ignore the migration of fine particles. However, particle migration is closely related to the path formation. This paper explored the spatial and temporal development rules from the perspective of fine particle migration through the experiments of saturated percolation-particle migration in two different gradation soil columns(continuous gradation and gaping gradation of rough particles and fine particles). The results show that: Part of the migratory fine particles cause erosion and increase the permeability, while others block local pores and reduce permeability owing to the re-deposited process. As a result, the formation of preferential flow is accelerated. In addition, the continuous grading forms the seepage paths with multiple intersecting tubuloreticular structures, while the gap gradating forms concentrated seepage paths. Moreover, under the same hydraulic gradient conditions, the distribution of fine particle migration in different grading features differently. The gravel soil fine particle migration does not change with the spatial distribution in the continuous grading but does change in the gap grading. In these two gradings, the main loss of gravel soil fine particles ranges from 1 mm to 0.075 mm in size. Under the different hydraulic gradient conditions, the loss of fine particles increases with the increase of hydraulic gradient in both continuous grading and gap grading experiments. Besides, the gap grading experiments are more prone to be damaged because the experiments show that when the gravel soil is damaged, the hydraulic gradient of gap grading is smaller than that of continuous grading. The results provide an experimental basis for further exploring the mechanism of gravel soil preferential flow formation.


