Environmental engineering geology (EEG)represents a new stage in the development of engineering geology, embracing and developing all problems of engineering geology. EEG, studying the interaction between project costruction and geological environment deteriorations, is pending further development into engineering-environment-hazards science. On one hand, due to correlation among, and causality of various natural environment deterionations and hazards (chain of environment deteriorations and chain of hazards), EEG should study not only geological environment and hazards, but also land environment, water environment and social environment. As applied geology, EEG and its mother discipline, engineering-environment-hazards science, will. have 3 pillars-mechanics, geography and economics. One should work hard for mutual infiltration and convergence of geology and geography at first. On the other hand, due to correlation among, and causality of various human activities (chain of activities), EEG should study not only project construction and running, but also mining and water activities, including groundwater exploitation and sewage drainage, causing serious environmental deterioration and hazards, bringing to a crisis. The fundamental way out for it lies not only in the scientific-technological progress, but also in the cultural regulation. One should work hard for mutual infiltration and convergence of science, technology and culture.