马鑫, 曹修定, 王洪磊, 付杰, 潘书华. 2014: 角半沟泥石流灾害风险评价. 工程地质学报, 22(s1): 371-376. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2014.s1.062
    引用本文: 马鑫, 曹修定, 王洪磊, 付杰, 潘书华. 2014: 角半沟泥石流灾害风险评价. 工程地质学报, 22(s1): 371-376. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2014.s1.062
    Ma Xin, Cao Xiuding, Wang Honglei, Fu Jie, Pan Shuhua. 2014: RISK ASSESSMENT OF DEBRIS FLOWS IN JIAOBANGOU. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 22(s1): 371-376. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2014.s1.062
    Citation: Ma Xin, Cao Xiuding, Wang Honglei, Fu Jie, Pan Shuhua. 2014: RISK ASSESSMENT OF DEBRIS FLOWS IN JIAOBANGOU. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 22(s1): 371-376. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2014.s1.062



    • 摘要: 德昌县角半沟流域降雨充沛、物源丰富,极易暴发山洪泥石流。本文结合角半沟流域的实际气候、水文、地质、资源、人口、经济等条件,选取相应的评价因子对泥石流灾害进行了风险性评价。泥石流危险度、易损度分别为0.644、0.876,属于高度危险、极高度易损泥石流沟; 风险度为0.564,属于高风险泥石流沟,容易暴发规模较大的泥石流灾害。针对角半沟泥石流特征和评价结果,初步提出了监测预警与工程整治(拦挡坝、拦挡网、固床坝等)相结合的综合治理措施,以期为泥石流灾害的减灾防灾工作提供理论支持。


      Abstract: There are abundant rainfall and rich provenance in watershed of Jiaobangou in Dechang county, which are vulnerable to mountain torrents and debris flows. This paper assesses the risk of debris flows combined with the actual climate, hydrology, geology resources, population and economy. The hazard and vulnerability of the debris flow are 0.644 and 0.876,which belongs to highly dangerous, very highly vulnerable debris flow gully. The risk degree is 0.564,which is a debris flow ditch of high risk, it is vulnerable to large-scale debris flows. Based on the characteristics and evaluation results of Jiaobangou debris flow, propose comprehensive measures of combining monitoring and early warning with engineering remediation (rataining dam, blaeking net, solid bed dam, etc) to provide a theoretical support for disaster prevention and reduction of debris flows.


